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30.09 Update

2022.09.30 17:36
+ Some UI improvements, in particular updated fonts everywhere.
+ Top Lists - fixed pvp and missions (will be fixed on next daily toplist update)
+ Goals: Effort made 2x easier to achieve
+ Fixed area salvage bar icon position
+ Prevent/protect goals - 2x less reward. Goal rewards reduced
+ Unread news are opened upon login
+ Improved news page
+ Fixed bug: Upon new message global chat shows unread icon, unless player switches channels
+ Added news button in main menu
+ Player position is reloaded on page focus, should help with messed up bug when app or browser is maximized.
+ Improved path line graphics.
+ Ranged weapon sub type - sniper, rifle, heavy or cqb is now displayed
+ Fixed goal missions not being spawned in the same sector as a camp.
+ Fixed "!" not disappearing after mission completion
+ Encounter generation in moved to a separate data loading request. This should speed up initial loading
+ All background tile images saved in 8bit and set size around 75% of current. This should also improve loading times & performance.